TEXT:Proverbs 27:22

You cannot separate fools from their foolishness, even though you grind them like grain with mortar and pestle.

Though, no one likes to be named or tagged a fool, but when you keep repeating same error or going back to your vomit, you are simply acting foolishly.

To act foolishly once in a while or for the first time, may not necessarily make a person a fool. But when a person continually grows inseparable from his or her folly, then that makes the person a fool.

While repentance is part and parcel of our salvation package, it should also be seen as a daily and regular practices. Hence, when you discover your wrong, sin or mistakes against others or even yourself, you must be eager to genuinely repent and forsake such sin or wrong.

If a person however, keeps going back to the same sin or wrong, then such one has directly or indirectly becomes a fool.

The scripture put it thus: As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly. (Proverbs 26:11). It is clear from this scripture that anyone who keeps going back to his or her vomit is a fool.

As believers, God expects that we should be quick to repent and to refrain from our sins or wrongs. We must constantly be undergoing separation from our sins or wrongs once the Lord reveals it to us.

There can’t be upward growth in one’s life except there is continual repenting from and forsaking of our sins and wrongs.

Think about a little child learning how to walk.It will just be fine for him to fall and rise many times. There won’t be any cause for alarm. But, if the falling and rising continues as the child grows even to adolescent, then that’s a big problem. While anyone may fall at any age, but such must never be a continuous experience. 1 John 2:1.

In the same manner, God wants to separate us from every form of foolishness in order for us to experience true growth in Him.

May we grow up into God, and outgrow all sins and wrongs in the name of Jesus.


1 John 2:1-6.


1. I receive the grace and power to outgrow and live above occurrence of same wrongs, sins and mistakes in the name of Jesus.

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